Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Refashioned Baby Leg Warmers

My baby is queen of the onesie, she lives in them. And with such a hot summer this year that was perfectly fine...but now that the cooler weather is rolling in...I thought I would try out some leg warmers because I always thought that they were adorable...and with my onesie loving child, it just makes sense! 

Here is how I made these:

Cut sleeves off an old long sleeved shirt.

Fold over  cut seem to desired length for baby's legs. and zig zag stitch.
If they are not tight enough take in the seem a little like shown.

Put them on your baby!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Quick and easy pin cushion

Here is another quick project. I didn't have a pin cushion, I had this frame:

and a piece of burlap and stuffing...

and some hot glue!

Now I have a pin cushion! 

Quick Household Solution

I'm not even sure if this merits its own blog post.... but it is useful, diy, so what the hay....

So Ive been in need of a small trash can for next to my dryer to throw the lint into. My laundry is in my unfinished basement, so, like usual, I didnt really want to spend money on it...like ANY. So when I spotted this sitting in my garden I had an idea....

Sprayed it up with a little left over aluminum spray paint...

And there I have it, a totally free...very useful, somewhat cute, trash receptacle!
I think Ill be on the lookout for something a little more stylish....but for now it beats throwing the lint on the floor! ;-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Making my own art

I love the idea of only having my own art hanging on my walls, I don't know what it is about hanging something someone else created that I don't like...maybe its pride? I don't know...but unless its some hugely amazing work of art that I could never do, Id rather make my own! weather it be my own photography or my own drawings/paintings or my new recent infatuation, digitally created art. I've been working on a chandelier silhouette print for my daughter's room, here it is:

I like how this one turned out...finally...after much experimenting with vector images which I have not used before. I am definitely learning as I go!
I would also like to come up with something using a grey and yellow color scheme for my bathroom....but im having a hard time coming up with something that looks "bathroomy" 

I did this one....

but I'm not loving it....

so then I did this:

But it is still not saying "bathroom" to me.....
Anyone have any suggestions for inspiration? good bathroom quotes I could turn into art? 
Off I go to search for ideas! I will update when I make some progress!

I also have to work on finding something to put in this beauty:

Up close of  detail

My sister and I found this at a garage sale for.........


This is after I have spray painted it white, sorry I forgot to take a before picture :-(
This was probably a $200 frame from Hobby Lobby.... hooray for yard sales and a million percent off!
So I'm thinking it might be time for a new family picture.....